I didn't sleep very well last night. I think it was the two Red Bulls I drank post race around 2pm yesterday. Or maybe it was the lasting high of totally surprising myself by winning this year's Rucky Chucky Roundabout 50k. I think this means I can say I was the green dinosaur, and not just to my kids.

In any case, around 10pm tonight I may feel much more exhausted and uncomfortable than I did yesterday while climbing that killer hill in the last miles of the race. Especially since I won't have the anticipation of finishing something momentous and the subsequent elation. I guess I'm getting paid to do this (and occasionally working on the blog in between calls), but really, it's beautiful out, my kids are home...
But the best thing about the race was that I didn't sacrifice a great family getaway trip. For the first time since last year's Tahoe Rim Trail races, I managed to combine running with family recreation. Thursday we stayed in Auburn, Friday we went up to Sugarbowl. By his request, my toddler went to ski school and did well enough to ride the Magic Carpet lift, while my wife and I took turns going down the bigger slopes while the other stayed with the baby. The only thing I missed was my son's first egg hunt on Saturday, the day of the race, but actually they got there too late and he was too busy petting the rabbits.
More trip and race details later!
Rucky Chucky Roundabout 50k 2008 Race Results
The above results page says "67 degrees." Hmm, sure felt hotter than that in the sun at the end. And I got done early.
Other bloggers that will probably post on this race, days before I get around to finishing my report, alphabetical order by last name. They will probably have better race photos anyways.
Scott Dunlap
Peter Lubbers (gave me a ride from Auburn to Foresthill--thanks!)
Tony Overbay
Catherine Sullivan (volunteered at start/finish--thanks!)
If you've blogged or will blog about this race, please comment and I'll add a link to your blog.
1st published 3/23/08 at 3:45pm
Sweet man, congrats! I doubt I'll ever race an ultra but I visit your blog and Scotts blog on a regular basis, and it gets me motivated to get out and run/bike/climb! Thanks. Congrats again.
Nice work Mark...Godzilla comes to mind...congrats.
Will G.
Hey Mark.... saw ur comment --LOL amen to frooking stupid response :-)
Look forward to meeting you at KM100
and watching you go bye & bye & bye me...oh wait, by the third BYE you will be done and showered-haha
CONGRATS on ur WIN!! Great JOB!! Love the kids ski pic too.
Congratulations, Mark! That's amazing, especially considering the lack of aid during the first and last 13 miles.
I saw Bev Anderson-Abbs came in third. I actually got to share the trail with Alan out here this weekend. It was a great time!
Hope you got to catch up on your sleep!
Nice job, Mark! That's awesome. Congratulations.
Dude, you were killing it out there! Nobody could catch Quadzilla Tanaka. ;-)
Maybe that's the secret - go snowboarding all day first! My watch read 81 degrees in the canyons, btw, so I think it was a bit warmer in sections.
Congrats, Mark! I have one good photo of you and will post it soon.
I had know idea when I e-mailed you yesterday that you had won the race. Congrats. You are in line for an awesome result at Kettle if you make it out there. See you in six weeks.
Oh %*@#!!!!!!!!! Nice work, congratulations on the commanding win! What a dinosaur!
I like how you made us click on the results to discover that you won. But no photos? Were you wearing the cow suit? :)
Look forward to the full report.
Mark, way to go! Great meeting you in person, especially with the first "meeting" being seeing you in first at the turnaround and yelling out "MarkTanakaTonyOverbayYou'reInFirstPlaceWayToGo!"
Great talking with you, Scott and Peter afterward as well. I'm sitting down right now to write up my report, hopefully post it in the next day or two. Great win, tough course, good times!
No, no Mark. Keep the job, we like seeing you at races. Nice job winning another race. Like how you and Scott are taking care of the fam and still tearing it up out there. Will there be a green dinosaur costume in your future?
Congrats on the win, Mark!!! And congrats on pulling off the family outing-race weekend!
Congrats again Mark.
I posted my story on the blog and there's a picture of you, too:
Killer Mark, nice job on the win! Thanks for checking up on me. I did indeed take a serious winter hibernation...but am back at the running now and hoping to be at a race or two soon here. Currently I am suffering from blogging inertia. Terrible disease, don't catch it! ;)
a race very well done, good job. Sounds like things just happened, that's great. Anyway I am looking forward to seeing you at Miwok.
Thomas Reiss
You are laugh out loud funny. Thank you for always making my day with your humor-filled race reports.
Congratulations on a superbly run race.
Hey Mark,
How I wish I could run as fast as Karyn Hoffman...but alas, no. That's actually Karyn and her husband Mike.
Kathy Martin
Thanks, Kathy, for the info! I kind of suspected I didn't have her name right (especially since no male finisher with the last name of Martin). I've corrected the photo caption.
No problem. A moment of glory for me to see my name under the picture of a really fast woman runner! :-)
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