Thursday, November 19, 2009

Love (Occasionally) My Car Pool Lane Sticker

Most of my shifts are at odd hours, and to commute to Fremont, the farther of the main hospitals at which I work, I either run the whole way, or to and from the BART station. So I rarely get to take advantage of the car pool lane sticker we got with our Toyota Prius. Today I had to attend a short training session in the evening in Union City, so had to drive. I got really lucky with my ED shift (the only one with normal hours-- 8 to 5), so left 90 minutes early (another unusual occurrence). I drove the gym, worked out in a group class, then made my way north on 880 starting at 5:30.

A Porsche doesn't run quickly when you're stuck in traffic. What a blast driving at least twice as fast as everyone else (who were sometimes slowed almost to a halt), 12 miles to the meeting, and feeling relatively green.

Though maybe not as fun the occasional joy of flying past multiple competitors late in a race...