My yearly totals:
Count: | 251 Activities |
Distance: | 3,525.90 mi |
Time: | 693:29:13 h:m:s |
Elevation Gain: | 580,929 ft |
The "251 Activities" is fairly arbitrary-- if I run to work and then run back from BART 10 hours later, I will typically record that as one activity rather than two. So the the only thing certain is that, on average, I don't run more than 5 days per week.
Regarding distance, I probably need to add up to 100-200 miles for really short runs when I wasn't wearing my Forerunner, or during races when I lost reception or the unit ran out of battery power.
Training Runs Over 26 Miles: 13
Training Runs Over 5 Hours: 18
Trips (About 1 Week Each) Offering Really Awesome and Beautiful Trails on Which to Run: 4
Total: 13
100-milers: 6
100-kilometers: 0
50-milers: 1
60-kilometers: 1
50 kilometers: 5 *
* = includes 1 organized Fat-Ass Run
DNFs: 0
Number of ConsecutiveYears Racing without DNFing: 8
Lifetime Ultra Races Finished: Somewhere Between 105 and 115, depending on how you count, so I probably surpassed 100 this past year.
Races from This Year I Haven't Blog-Recapped Yet: 5
Estimated Months It Will Take Me to Catch Up with the Blogging: 15
For those who bothered to read this far: Happy New Year! Peace and Joy and Great Running to You.