Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I'm Too Sleepy,Tired & Pressed for Time To Feel Guilty for Not Blogging

How I ended up running 24 1/2 miles (instead of 14) this past Sunday volunteering to course check right before Skyline 50k, 5 days before my 100 mile race in Squamish (near Vancouver), British Columbia this Friday (August 8th), might make an interesting story. Too bad I don't have time to blog the report now. Not to mention my Tahoe report, which has at least one part you all might find amusing. I am so exhausted, I'm dizzy and feel sicker than half the patients I am seeing at work. I think I felt better rested during my 3rd year of medical school or my worst rotations in medical residency. Working 3 to midnight, 3 to 2am and then noon to midnight while trying to pack, attend and plan birthday parties, do a gazillion other errands, and with our older son not in daycare since I was too cheap to pay for a week when he'd only be in 2 days-- doesn't help either.

Not quite getting some sleep on the BART in before the last 3 miles running on Sunday morning, photo by Chihping Fu, who ran down with me from Skyline aid station in Redwood Park though Joaquin Miller Park and Oakland.

I guess since I'm supposed to be an endurance athlete, I should stop whining and just SUCK IT UP. (Does this apply if I puke? Yum....)

The good news: My iPod Nano, which got drenched during Kettle Moraine in early June, after several unsuccesful attempts to turn it on, surprisingly worked last night at 3am. I guess it just took a while for the water to evaporate out of that USB port.

So, will have 3 race reports and that tag question thing that went around a month ago still to write after retruning from the Pacific Northwest.

Everyone enjoy the rest of your summer! Ultrailnaka man loves you all. xoxoxo